1. Do you crave starchy, sugary “white” carbs?
2. Do you take excessive antibiotics over long periods of time?
3. Do you have diarrhea, gas, bloating, constipation or other gastrointestinal problems?
4. Do you have frequent yeast infections?
5. Do you experience excessive stress for long periods of time?
6. Do you have muscle, bone and joint pain and “mental fog”?

If you answered yes to one or more of the preceding questions, you may have Candida overgrowth.

Candida albicans is a normal inhabitant of the G.I. tract in humans, as well as the mucus membranes of other orifices such as the mouth, nose and vagina. During immune system stress or specific G.I. imbalances, Candida can exist as an opportunistic pathogen and result in harm to the host. Anytime the immune system is under stress, opportunistic organisms within the gut can flourish. This is especially true if beneficial organisms are depleted or reduced. While Candida overgrowth is a common cause of vaginal yeast infections, overgrowth within the G.I. tract is often unrecognized. This is because Candida overgrowth does not always cause overt G.I. symptoms. These diverse symptoms include mental fog, muscle/joint weakness or pain, general fatigue, and skin irritations, to name a few.

Once an individual has Candida overgrowth, reoccurrence is quite common. Patients will need to maintain a consistent and vigilant lifestyle management program to prevent repeated incidence of bloat.


Detox Candida Vitamin Kit

At Home Testing Stool Kit

“The health of your body greatly determines the degree of success you have with all the other aspects of your life.” ~Dr Eva
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