Samantha Grant, CN


Functional Nutrition
Our functional nutritionist Samantha Grant acts like your personal diet detective. Together, we all work to find the answers to all of your concerns. Using state-of-the-art testing, we put the pieces of your nutrition puzzle together and customize a plan that enables you to achieve your goals.

Perhaps you already eat healthily and exercise regularly and still the weight won’t come off. It’s possible that the exercise you’re engaged in is making you fatter and decreasing your metabolism. If you have underlying endocrine imbalances and nutritional deficiencies, it’s no wonder you can’t seem to get the body you want.

We can help.

You need a proven approach that utilizes scientific analysis coupled with holistic medical modalities. You need a team with knowledge and authority on nutrition as well as metabolism. And you need a comprehensive nutritional evaluation to begin your weight loss journey.

Health Concerns:

  • Weight loss
  • Allergy Elimination Diets
  • SIBO and Candida protocols
  • Adrenal Fatigue
  • Hormonal Imbalances

Services Offered:

  • Individualized Coaching Programs
  • House Calls
  • “Kitchen Cleanouts”
  • Customized Supplement Protocols
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