What Is An Endocrinologist

Endocrinologists think for a living; we talk. We investigate.   And we treat each individual as an individual. After specializing in a three year program in Internal Medicine we do two to three MORE  years of intense hospital training in a fellowship program designed to understand metabolism.We study the glands that are the source of most hormonal production. These glands release chemicals that affect every organ in your body. They affect procreation, mood, body issues, fight or flight responses, sleep, hot-cold sensations and so much more. Endocrine glands can also affect psychiatry, neurology, cardiology and nearly every other medical concern.

The endocrine system largely consists of hormones and glands such as the thyroid, parathyroids, adrenals, pituitary, ovaries, testicles, pancreas, hypothalamus and the entire neuroendocrine system. I diagnose and treat issues such as  metabolic disorders, weight disorders, thyroid disorders, fatigue, PMS, menopause, diabetes, as well as problems associated with the pituitary gland. Many of these can contribute to premature aging, both inside and out.

Based on patient requests, I’ve also created a line of vitamin/nutritional supplements, hair care and skin care. These products have been extensively researched and scientifically designed to provide your body with the high-quality essential nutrients it needs, to address nutrient deficiencies and to deliver luxurious hair or youthful looking skin. I feel these products are the best.

The fact is, everyone experiences fatigue, contributing to a significant decrease in health and vitality. For some it can start in the 20’s, and if it does, by the time you’re 30, you might feel like you’re 70. If we take care of your endocrine system, we can reverse that feeling
I help generate physical as well as emotional strength by balancing hormones so that you can reclaim sexual vitality and have your overall energy resources restored.– Dr Eva
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